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Definition of sheet metal?

Date: 2019-04-13 13:18:06 View: 125

Sheet metal has not yet had a relatively complete definition. According to a definition in a foreign professional journal, it can be defined as: sheet metal is a comprehensive cold processing process for metal sheets (usually below 6mm), including shearing, punching/ Cutting/compositing, folding, welding, riveting, splicing, forming (e.g. car body), etc.

Its remarkable feature is that the thickness of the same part is consistent. Sheet metal processing is called Sheet metal processing. Specifically, for example, using plates to make chimneys, iron drums, oil tanks, ventilation pipes, elbows, gardens, funnels, etc. The main processes are cutting, bending buckle, bending, welding, riveting, etc. Some knowledge of geometry. Sheet metal parts are thin-plate hardware parts, that is, parts that can be processed by stamping, bending, stretching, etc. A general definition is - parts whose thickness does not change during processing.

Corresponding to castings, forgings, machined parts, etc. For example, the outer iron shell of a car is a sheet metal part, and some kitchen utensils made of stainless steel are also sheet metal parts.

1. It is a processing method for automobile maintenance, also called cold work. To put it bluntly, if the appearance of the car body is damaged and deformed, the process of sheet metal is required to restore the original appearance. Basically the tool used is a hammer. Hammers of different shapes place an iron block behind the sheet, and beat repeatedly to shape it. Appearance fixers are also used when necessary. This thing actually belongs to welding. Weld the hoop to the body and pull it out with a hook. For repairing sunken areas. It is generally difficult to get back into place on a large and flat body, so sometimes it is used to retract the fire. It is local heating and cooling to shrink the iron sheet. The ultimate goal is to restore the damaged body to its original appearance.

2. Sheet metal: sheet, that is, plate, thin plate means to carry out a series of processing on thin metal sheets, including folding, cutting, punching, welding, riveting, splicing and other processes. 3. This is a design module, mainly For things made of iron sheet materials. He is different from the entity. The thickness of the entity varies, but the sheet metal is basically the same thickness. There are many products made of sheet metal in life.

Sheet metal equipment Generally speaking, the basic equipment used in sheet metal includes Shear Machine, CNC Punching Machine/Laser, Plasma, Waterjet Cutting Machine (Laser, Plasma, Waterjet Cutting Machine)/Combination Machine ), bending machine (Bending Machine) and various auxiliary equipment such as: uncoiler, leveling machine, deburring machine, spot welding machine, etc.

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