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How should we maintain the sheet metal chassis?

Date: 2019-04-13 13:23:19 View: 169

How should we maintain the sheet metal chassis?

No matter what kind of ChassisSheet metal processing is exposed to the air for a long time, it will be contaminated with dust, or oxidized, and become less bright. Do we have any measures to deal with this situation of sheet metal chassis? Or for How should we maintain the sheet metal chassis?

The easiest way to maintain a sheet metal chassis is to clean it.

1. First, rinse the surface of the sheet metal Chassis with water to remove the dirt on the surface.

2. Then add soap, liquid detergent or water with 5% ammonia solution to wipe.

3. Rinse carefully with water again.

4. Finally, we wipe off the water stains remaining on the surface of the Chassiscabinet. During the drying process, in order to wipe it more cleanly, we should wipe it in the same direction. After wiping, let the surface dry naturally.

5. Although it is irreversible for the sheet metal Chassis to get old and old, we can delay this "aging" by cleaning it frequently. Keeping the Chassis cabinetSheet metal processing in a clean state is also conducive to improving its working condition.

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