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Changes in Sheet metal processing

Date: 2019-04-13 13:25:18 View: 549

Changes in Sheet metal processing

The conventional Sheet metal processing process adopts: shearing-punching-bending-welding process or flame plasma cutting-bending-welding process. In the face of multi-variety, small-batch, customized, high-quality, and short-delivery orders, it shows obvious incompatibility. The laser cutting process appears as an alternative process of "shear-punching", which has the characteristics of flexibility and high flexibility. At the same time, most people also think that its cost is high. Therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of special-shaped (or complex-shaped) workpieces and samples (single-piece or very small batches). But when small batch manufacturing is becoming more and more popular, the demand for laser cutting is also increasing.

When re-examining the new Sheet metal processing technology: laser cutting-bending-welding/rivet welding, due to the high flexibility and high precision of laser cutting and the maturity and popularization of 3D design technology, users can start from new design, new Benefit from the process, so as to achieve the requirements of reducing costs and shortening the construction period. Therefore, the new sheet metal process starts from the design: design laser cutting cutting bending welding / riveting. Here are a few examples to illustrate the characteristics of the new process.

1) Under the traditional process, the workpiece consists of several parts. Now, one cut and bend is done. Achieved the purpose of reducing the process, shortening the construction period and reducing the cost

2) Under the traditional process, a special fixture is configured for welding. Now the parts use a craft similar to woodworking mortise, accurate positioning, time-saving, simple welding fixtures, and small product deformation. The purpose of shortening the construction period, reducing costs and improving quality has been achieved.

3) The multiple bending process has been relatively popular in the domestic box manufacturing industry. The advantage is that traditional reinforcing ribs are omitted. It has its unique design and craftsmanship. In order to achieve the purpose of high product quality and low manufacturing cost. In the actual process, it is also necessary to cooperate with spot welding.

4) Utilizing the characteristics of fine kerf and high precision of the laser, one cutting (with micro-connection) and four times of bending are used to complete four workpieces. It breaks through the design idea under the traditional technology, and achieves the purpose of shortening the construction period and reducing the cost.

5) Due to the use of the tenon structure, the whole process can be completed after the workpiece is bent and combined with the spot welding process. The deformation of the workpiece is small, and there is no need for shaping and grinding before spraying.

Due to the characteristics of the new process, advanced sheet metal equipment software support and design, laser cutting process, bending process. It supports 2D part design, pipe part design, bending workpiece design (only supports Bystronic bending machines), and 3D graphics development. And transmit the NC program to the designated machine through the standard computer network.

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